
Daniel Torea is a musicologist specialized in how the music affects the human beeing.
After finishing his studies in “world music” in Santiago de Compostela, where he learned compositional techniques, styles and interpretation of ethnic music, Torea entered one of the schools of the prestigious Berklee College of Music of Boston. In this conservatory he would learn composition techniques of orchestration, improvisation and musical production.
Later he finished Musicology studies at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, where he would learn techniques of musical investigation, and where he starts to investigate the link between music and human beeing .
He finishes a year of master in the prestigious Ecole Normale Superieure de Paris, in the specialty of Research in Cognitive Psychology, where he learns and investigates the mechanisms of perception of music by the brain, why music affects us emotionally, why a song seems good to us etc. Another year of master in music therapy will be the ideal to start a great project of research in a PhD specialized in how music afects the physiological processes in the human body.
Nowadays, Torea teach at the Sorbonne University of Paris. Knowledge that, together with his career, allow him to create “scientific compositions” that relate perfectly to the images and videos for which he composes, also helping people as a music therapist at the same time that he develop his research projects.